The Let's Play Archive


by Maple Leaf

Part 29: 20.A: The Hearts of Exiles

: The Hearts of Exiles – Gameplay

: Do not read this update until you watch that video. Trust me.

: How are you feeling, sir?

: Unghh… I just wanna go lie down, chum. I feel totally exhausted.

: I see… then, please do not exert yourself, or try.

: The Lone Minstrel motions for you to come closer.

: Reader. Rukey appeared rather disoriented, and more fatigued than usual. Reported feeling not entirely present. Symptoms of Banishment Sickness. He should soon be able to take part in light activities, I think, but under no circumstance shall he be able to conduct the coming Rite.

: Now, then, I ought not keep you from the stars above. Please, go and have a look at them, for all of us, I think, are anxious to depart this place.

: Some people in the thread were hoping to use Rukey a little more often in order to get his Enlightenment high enough to send him up on the next Liberation Rite. This… will put a bit of a damper on that.

: Right, so. We’ve suffered our first defeat to Dalbert and the Fate. Although, if you watched the video, you’d have a hard time calling games that close a real loss. It was… it was more like a half-victory. Not a whole victory, so I can’t hold the W, but not a whole loss, so I can hold that L with some dignity. It was a goddamn good game.

: Us being the privileged sons-of-bitches we are, this does absolutely nothing for our standing with the Scribes. As the Nightwings, our favour can never actually decrease, and we’re guaranteed to be going to the Fall of Soliam in just one short Rite from now.

: The question is, knowing that the next Liberation Rite is just one game away – who do we play in the meantime?

: Our options are Lendel and the Accusers, ranked seventh, at the Glade of Lu; Tamitha and the Essence, ranked third, at the Spring of Jomuer; and Ignarius and the Tempers, ranked eighth, at the Ridge of Gol.

: Where do we go, and who do we face off against? Lemme know in the next twenty-four hours!